Zen Gardner~ Anesthesia~ evil queen of hypocricy
[The crypto queen anesthetizer was called out so well by the Peakster on her psychotropic drug campaign it just begged having her taken to the woodshed again, with a new flourish. Enjoy.]
by Zen Gardner
Sounds exotic, but it’s true. The system’s gone nuts, things have cut loose. And while an ever widening swathe of humanity is rippling into various levels of awakening, those still under the spell of the matrix’ hypnotic sirens are falling ever deeper into a drugged slumber. All by design.Humanity’s been carefully anesthetized.
by Zen Gardner
Sounds exotic, but it’s true. The system’s gone nuts, things have cut loose. And while an ever widening swathe of humanity is rippling into various levels of awakening, those still under the spell of the matrix’ hypnotic sirens are falling ever deeper into a drugged slumber. All by design.Humanity’s been carefully anesthetized.
Things are moving so fast and crazy and in so many weird directions now it’s tantamount to mass insanity. Yet despite the awakened people screaming and pointing out the in-your-face lies and affronts to humanity, most still don’t even notice, and that’s the weirdest thing of all. That polarization is what compounds the problem, and that’s why the cryptos love to try to divide us in every way they can.
Beware. False flags and media circus events are carefully placed and timed psycho-spiritual detonation devices with clear intentions at many levels.
The biggest division you won’t hear a peep about in the mainstream is between those who dare wake up to reality vs. those who continue on within the projected mind frame. That would be a clear admission that their reality ain’t necessarily so, so they have to mock, demonized and ignore our very existence.
But we won’t be ignored any longer.
Medication and Conditioning, Bread and Circus, Omission and Denial
And that is where the great schism lies. The awake and aware have snapped out of the control system. Those who haven’t are being tooled around like puppets on a million nano strings. When you don’t know, you don’t know that you don’t know…and are very easy to keep being fooled.
When you’ve woken up, the world is completely reversed from everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.
It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture but it happens, and in a relative hurry. Truth drives itself.
It always does.
How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name of the game for the designers and propagators of the matrix. Once the pattern is established in its captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them being noticed. Also disguised is the fact that their every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation….at any cost or consequence to these expendable “human resources”. Us.
Oh, how their attitude says it all! And stinks in the nostrils of loving truth!
To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part, because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that. It’s like chemtrails. If they don’t keep spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects start to wane, like the fluoride dosing and the rest. To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of methods and it’s really quite mind boggling when it all comes together.
It’s also inspiring…because no matter what they do to us they can’t put us out of commission. Unless they kill us off entirely, but that’s just a promotion to the next level.
Deal with that you control bastards.
Tools that Numb
But what specifically do they control us by? They flood our bodies with drugs delivered by any means possible; deprivation of nutrition, sunlight and clean air water and food; dumbed down education and a fully controlled media; mind numbing false news and so-called entertainment; electromagnetic smog blasting on the human nervous system wavelength; violence and oppressive fear and terror tactics, and on and on.
They do this with impunity. Imagine the world is a massive internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are free by letting them have a few choices within this massive, continental wide facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.
Think wars–there’s a perfect example. All for our “defense, safety and security”, when it’s the exact opposite.
Basic Simple Questions
Some fundamental questions that beg answers that are evident before any clear thinking individual:
–How can a government usurping monstrosity like the United Snakes Corporation and its affiliate thugs gang rape a planet and make it look benevolent?
–How can obviously lying elitist politicians bought off by the highest bidder be taken as serious entities in governing institutions?
–How can known secretive government sponsored agencies pull off assassinations and staged shootings in plain sight?
–How can the most murderous, supremacist, fascist, arrogant, racist people on earth be called “the chosen ones” and given title to anything they want including their own sanctioned Zionist territory and ravenous agenda and be given complete religious, social and political immunity and massive financial support? and based on clearly misguided insane religious zeal?
–How can sweeping freedom destroying measures be instituted by “executive order” in a representative republic?
–How can the food, water and air be deliberately poisoned in public knowledge and in plain sight?
–How can electro-surveillance and mental manipulation be known and accepted as legitimate human altering science and in full implementation for mass control?
….AND on and on…why wouldn’t people of such an abused group not go on a full on rampage against its rulers and their minions?
The Hypnotic Rhythm of Anesthesia
Every day I’m just amazed how few seem to notice what’s going on. The business as usual behavior and shallow chatter about nothing and the complete dependence on routine behavior for money and phony goals is just mind-boggling.
While the wake up is showing real promise, clearly there won’t be a world in which to live those goals if things aren’t changed drastically.
The day we hope our children and grandchildren to grow up in is quickly becoming not just night, but a literal nightmare if the current course isn’t derailed
The scene above is from the movie Time Machine from one of globalist insider H.G. Wells’ predictive programming pieces. When the siren sounds the humans grazing on the surface of the earth hypnotically walk into the maw of that archonic image whereupon they are devoured by the hellish beasts that live in the earth.
Despite this meme of being fodder for other beings being shown to mankind for eons via literature or inside messengers, humanity doesn’t get it. It’s another great way to hide the Truth; sci-fi or story-fy it. Turn the real direction of the controllers into a fiction, a fantasy, entertainment…”A tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” as Shakespeare famously said through Macbeth.
Who’s Behind This?
I’m convinced there’s something very occult and spiritual that is ultimately behind all this, and these described techniques are just to augment the signal from the bowels of the matrix. Same as how chemtrails enable the EMFs and scalar devices to manipulate weather patterns, earth changes and mind manipulation, these occult influences provide an enhanced medium for these spiritual influences to take effect.
That a manipulative signal is being broadcast attempting to make us subjects of another realm there is no doubt.
And that just reminds me I’m not part of it and how free I am!
Extremely free. And that has power. Wonderful, conscious, awakening power that reverberate throughout the morphic field.
That, there, is called having a good day. You have one too.
And keep on resonating. Powerfully.
Love, Zen
- See more at: http://www.zengardner.com/anesthesia-evil-queen-of-cryptocracy/#sthash.tCiyalbR.dpuf
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