Tuesday, September 24, 2013



Be Vigilant: Dark UFO Sightings on the Rise Prior to Our Ascension

by Bradley B. and Georgi Stankov, September 24, 2013
Dear Dr. Georgi -
Greetings from Los Angeles, CA.  I hope this note finds you healthy & happy…
I have been following your website for the last year, and I thank you wholly for your time, energy & spirit for both it, and your work, in general.  It takes dedication and bravery to follow your path.
The recent “False Flag” post was like a punch in the gut. You see, I have been visited 3 times in the last 7 days, and last night there were 5 objects in the sky. I was able to see them with binoculars last night, and although I couldn’t clearly make it out, I did not “feel good” about it. It was not “warm and fuzzy”, as we say in America.
Something about it wasn’t right. I had been told by several people to be careful – but, these objects stay in the sky near me for 2+ hours, and respond to light – so naturally, I’m fascinated by them, and assume they are working with The Light.
Your email confirmed what I felt. I must be very cautious, and frankly, if they are working for the Dark, I would like them to go away.
Sir, could you suggest how I may go about telling the difference? I do not want to be associated in any way with them if they are Dark, and I certainly don’t want them to harm me or distract me from my work.
If you & the PAT have thoughts on the matter, I would be honored to have them.
My deepest respect.
Dear Bradley,
thank you for contacting me for the first time and for your appreciation of our website and my work on it. I have announced that I do not respond to emails anymore, but I am making an exception in your case
Now to your important question. It is obvious from what you write that you can already discern dark from light sightings / UFOs. The best way to check them is to use your lightsaber and to point it at such objects and then to urge them loudly to give you a proof that they are from the light and display Christed consciousness. If they are from the dark side, they must disappear immediately.
But I can assure you that there are not UFOs from the light that you will normally see as they do not appear visually. Hence in  99% of  all sightings we have to do with flying objects of the dark ones.
With love and light

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