Personal Transformation
The Teachings - Dissolving Ego by Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved. What Is The Ego? The ego mind is the part of self which directs the physical body. The ego is your biggest obstacle to Enlightenment. Your ego is that part of you which sternly rejects Spiritual Growth. Masters experience the Bliss of knowing they are NOT A BODY. Dissolving ego means being resurrected from the flesh and coming into full Union - Oneness with Universal Consciousness. Must the Ego Be Completely Dissolved? Yes. Completely Dissolved. Once One has merged into the Oneness, joined with their Beloved, become One with Divine Grace, they have no need for an ego. The sooner One tackles the challenge of dissolving their own ego, the sooner they will reach the goal. One realizes the essence of Reality as Love. The Path to Ascension, Freedom, Liberation, Nirvana, Enlightenment requires Supreme Effort for Supreme Reward. With My Blessings On Your Path ~et
Global Reconciliation and Stewardship
Disclosure and the enactment of NESARA Law is the establishment of Universal harmony among multiple groups within the human family who will be able to gather here in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. It will offer an open and universal space that represents the healing of all boundaries of division and disharmony in the world, inviting the search for common objectives and practical solutions among disparate peoples. We envision for humanity a transcendance of all narrow and short-term perspectives in order to help peoples realize their potential as stewards and guardians of humanity's future on Earth.
Spiritual Harmony
Invite your Twin Flame into your life. Focus on releasing the powerlessness, hurt, pain, longing and change your relationship with them. Have fun with them. Meditate with them. Invite your TF into every aspect of your life – making life more meaningful right now. One meditation you may do is to become small – the size of a blood cell. Jump into your TFʻs heart chambers. Meditate on hearing their heartbeat – swoosh, swoosh. Play recordings of natal heartbeats set to music as you focus on this. Allow the sensation that you are being rocked to float into your meditation. Feel completely surrounded by the love of your TF. This will feel like floating in the ocean, or rocking in a hammock. Swinging on a swing bedecked in flowers next to your love. Come into Bliss being there. Try doing this meditation for 2 minutes or 5 minutes. Do it at your desk. Do it watching tv. Do it at a party with others around and reconnect with the Oneness with your TF throughout the day.
Disclosure and Announcements
The National Economic Security And Reformation Act provides the following, some of which will take place immediately after the official announcement of NESARA which is to be televised live from Washington, DC: 1. Restores Constitutional Law in the USA. 2. Requires the current US administration to resign their positions to allow a fresh start at the national level and installs Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections can take place within six months. All Criminals in Government, the Cabinet and Appointees by the President, and all members of Congress must resign within 72 hours of NESARAs announcement. 3. NESARA US President Designate declares "peace" because NESARA abolishes unconstitutional states of emergency. 4. As partial remedy for 100 years of government and banking fraud, credit card balances are zeroed out and bank debt relief is given to Americans for bank loans including mortgages, car loans, education loans, business loans, and other bank debt.
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