Friday, October 18, 2013

Human Robotization, Nano Implant Technologies & The Transhumanist Agenda

Do you ever wonder just how some individuals can be so willfully evil and anti - human?
After a recent discussion of Kissinger, Brezeinski, Rockefeller, and other longtime CFR members always shadowing the SSG Corporate US 'decisions' - decisions which are then regurgitated out of the mouths of the talking head politicians - the question arose;
"Then WHO does Kissinger work for? The only things that never seem to change are death, taxes, and Kissinger. Why is Kissinger ALWAYS in the background? The bigger question is not so much WHO is Heinz Kissinger. This begs the bigger question of WHAT is Heinz Kissinger?"
I remember having a conversation with Tommy Buckley some years ago. He made a statement which I thought odd at the time, but is much more justified today.
Tommy said: "You could be a hundred miles away from any civilization, and standing in the middle of a ten acre field, whispering - and they can still hear what you say".
In 2011, the budget numbers for DARPA, allocated millions specifically toward 'editing the DNA' of US soldiers into synthetic trans - humans.
EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies & The Transhumanist Agenda
Published on May 28, 2013 By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking --
The "Transhumanist Agenda"
Panel: Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment with Alfred Lambremont Webre

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